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Arkansas Charities

Below are some charities you can support to uplift Arkansans who need relief during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Arkansas Foodbank

With the recent announcement of school closures in multiple counties, AR Foodbank is committed to ensuring children who rely on school meals have access to nutritious food.

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Heart of Arkansas United Way

United Way is committed to uniting those who need help with those who can help. As such, they're in touch daily with our partners who are on the front lines of serving our community during this crisis.

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Ronald McDonald House Charities Arkansas

Together with their hospital partners, RMHC Global, and other Houses around the world, they are continuing to monitor and update best practices to ensure they are both protecting and serving families as effectively as possible.

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AR Hunger Relief Alliance

All Arkansas public schools are closing, yet it is imperative that we assist children and families who rely on school meals.

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AR Dream Center

ARDC is a non profit that is providing meals for kids who rely on free or reduced lunches during school. They are going out into the neighborhoods M-F to feed kids at 41 different locations. We have served served 20,136 meals since the school shut downs and will do more over the upcoming weeks!

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